by acackler | Aug 9, 2023 | General
If you had to guess what a religious/fantasy comedy, a classic regency romance, a space opera, and a teen vampire soap opera have in common, what would you say? Well if you’re smart, you’d say “trope” because I basically gave it away in the...
by acackler | Feb 11, 2021 | General, Series: Writing Close
If character awareness is the lock pick in the romance toolbox, then accidental nudity is the sledgehammer. There is zero subtlety when it comes to one character seeing another in a state of undress, but sometimes it’s exactly the right tool for the job. This is...
by acackler | Feb 6, 2021 | General, Series: Destructive Romance
This week, I rewatched episodes seven and eight of the Star Wars series, and then eagerly saw The Rise of Skywalker for the first time — and I fell in love. Not with Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, not with Reylo (Rey + Kylo) but with Adam Driver. Yup, it’s official. I...