Anna Cackler
Indie Author
Romantic Fantasy | Dark Fairy Tales | Women in Fantasy
Coming Soon: The Sibylline Saga.
A second world romantic fantasy that follows Gwen: the Child of Prophecy. With over-powered abilities of coercion, telepathy, and precognition, Gwen struggles to come to grips with what she is capable of – and what she is willing to do for the greater good of those she loves.

Guys, buckle up, okay? I’m a talker. And I tend to do a lot of info dumping, but that’s okay. I get to do that, becuase it’s MY blog, damn it!
And also, I’m probably a bit biased here, but it’s all really fascinating and interesting? You can judge for yourself.

About Me
My name is Anna Cackler, and I have too many damn hobbies. Most of them are art related. The other one is chickens.
Pictured on the left is myself, Elvira Queen of the Night, and her daughter, Little Bit. And yes, LB did ride around on Elvira’s back all the time when she was a chick.
In addition to writing romantic fantasy and chicken tending, I also spin yarn on my spinning wheel, cross stitch and crochet, and digital art. Oh, and there was that one erotica novel, but that was just for funsies 😉
If you want to know more about me and my neuroses, click below and read on. Trust me, I’m very long winded and most of it is very entertaining.
I swear I’m not a spammy newsletter kind of person. I send out monthly. I do have goodies, though… mostly free ebooks, discount codes, pretty pictures, and the odd rambly story. But goodies are goodies, right? God, how many times can I get the word “goodies” into one blurb? Too many times, probably.